Tue. Feb 4th, 2025

VPS – Virtual Private Server

Hi everybody, today I’m going to tell you how I moved my hosting (VPS) to another hosting (VPS) easily and not much complicated or headache.  This is the first time I was done this way.  In the past, I moved site by site every time I changed server when I was not satisfied.  It was a nightmare but I did it many times because you know what I mean (price, mad, slow, connection problem,…)  Anyway, let me go straight there.

To move your VPS server from the current one to new one, here are what you need to do.

  • Log in to WHM of your new VPS which you want your future sites running there.
  • Look on the left hand side column, scroll down and then you’ll see Transfer section.
  • Click on Transfers.  Then Transfer Tool.
  • Now, at Transfer Tool screen, fill out all necessary remote server information likes Remote Server Address, Remote SSH Port (I left as it was selected, mine is 22), and then login user and password (Login Username:, Authentication Method: Root Password).  When up to Root Escalation Method, I left whatever it was selected, in my case it’s su.
  • Click Fetch Account List.  Now, it starts transferring VPS cpanel information, files, databases… whatever there, it’ll move to your new house exactly the same.


Not done yet.  When transferring is completed, it’ll tell you whether it’s succeed transferring or not.  Now, you need updating your IP address of the old VPS at your main domain to a new ones.  That’s it.

* This is written when I use shop.zudec.com hosting service.  I think it’s very much the same with Godaddy, DomainsPricedRight or whatever hosting services which are using Cpanel (WHM).  When I was with HostGator server, they used Cpanel and WHM too; however, I didn’t try it there because I didn’t know this tool at the time.

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